Friday, August 6, 2010

Featured Fridays * Michelle*

1. How long have you been natural?
 1. I've only been natural for about a month now.

2. What made you decide to go natural?
 2. My hair just wasn't feeling strong enough to hold a perm anymore. So i decided to start over the NATURAL way.

3. How long did you transition and what was your routine?
3. I stopped getting perms around November. I decided to cut my hair short as a start as I let more new growth grow out, then eventually I got tired of waiting and cut it off in June.

4. How did you BC? Self BC, salon or a friend/family member?
4. A friend of my family who owns her own salon is the one I trusted to cut my hair..and boy did she waste no time!! lol.

5. How did your perception of beauty change once you went natural?
 5. I viewed beauty so much better. It felt good to just know that your beauty is natural rather worried about if water or anything else is going to ruin your hair. It's a great feeling to know that we people see me, they are looking at the natu[REAL] me!


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