Be Featured

If you want to be featured on my blog please answer the following questions according to where you are in your hair journey( transitioning, newly natural, or life time natural). Please send answered questions and at least 3 pictures of your hair to include a picture of your hair before and after your hair journey if possible.

Newly Natural
1. How long have you been natural?
2. What made you decide to go natural?
3. How long did you transition and what was your routine?
4. How did you BC? Self BC, salon or a friend/family member?
5. Do you have any hair goals?
6. Whats your favorite natural hairstyle ad how do you achieve it?
7. How did your perception of beauty change once you went natural?

1. What made you decide to go natural?
2.How long have you been transitioning?
3. What have been the easiest and hardest things about transitioning?
4. When do you plan to BC?
5. How have you maintained the health of your hair during your transition?
6. How have you worn your hair during the transition?
7. What are you most looking forward to about having natural hair? what are you most worried about in going natural?

Life Time Natural
1. Whats your favorite way to style you hair?
2. What are your favorite products?
3. How do you keep your hair healthy?
4. Do you have any hair goals?
5. Have you ever felt pressured to relax your hair? If so How did you overcome the pressure?