Sunday, July 18, 2010


What would you think if I told you that there was a product that could make your hair strong, soft, shiny and long? What if I told you this same product could make your hair thick and luxurious? What if I told you your hair could be the color of your dreams without the damage.What if I told you I didn't make any of this up and you could easily get the product for very cheap? You would think I was off my rocker, which is understandable, but this product does exist. It goes by the name Henna.

I personally believe that henna is one of the most underrated natural beauty products. Whether it be the messiness of application or the lack of experience in mixing, you just don't see many people using henna. I also contribute this to the fact that many beauticians are not familiar with henna. They do not teach henna application in beauty school. They actually warn against the use of henna because of the dangers in using compound henna (which most people believe is the same henna used for hair) so they would rather stay away from henna all together. Compound henna is henna mixed with metals and salt that have an adverse reaction on hair especially if chemically treated. If you are using henna only use body art quality henna. This henna is all natural and safe. very few people are allergic to body art quality henna as it derives from a natural plant source. I get all of my henna from because they only sell body art quality. is also a good resource for henna information.  Also be weary of anything called black henna. This henna has been treated with a chemical called PPD which causes severe allergic reactions in most people.

Below are my henna videos
video 1- henna mixing
video 2- henna application
video 3- results after henna
each video is between 3-10 minutes
 Let me know in the comments if you like the way the videos are split up or if you prefer them to be one video


  1. I like the way that you cut the videos. That way if someone only wanted to see one part of the process then they could. My only suggestion that I have is that you include measurements. That way people that mess up everything (ie me) won't fail as easily.
    And you're so pretty. I want to play with you.

  2. thanks twin I love the feedback n I'm pretty just like my soul sister:)
