Thursday, July 8, 2010

We made it:)

Has it really been one month already? I feel like I blinked and it went by. I still remember washing my relaxed hair before my big chop. I still remember taking the scissors to my relaxed hair in frustration when the different textures were fighting to the death. I'm glad these are distant memories instead of a current reality. I have always loved hair but going natural taught me to really love my hair. In its rawest most unaltered form I find it the most beautiful. I couldn't always say that.

:) Natural hair occurrences
-Higher self confidence
I have always been confident but going natural has sent my high self confidence through the roof without putting me in cocky territory.
I have always struggled with acne and my skin has cleared up significantly since I went natural. I don't know if it is the vitamins I am taking, the new hair products or merely the fact that I no longer have hair in my face. Regardless of what it is I noticed a huge difference once I completely ditched the creamy crack and the hair it left me with. One day I will put up comparison pics but for now you will just have to take my word for it.
-Hair Health
My hair is so healthy. This may not seem big to you but I am a healthy hair junkie. I would sacrifice length for health any day. Even when I was relaxed I would cringe at the sight of unhealthy hair and snip any split uneven ends. I avoided heat and relaxed every 8 weeks. I have always been about healthy hair and since going natural maintaining healthy hair has been easier for me.
weave -$60-$200 not including the price of hair
relaxer- $30-$70
the hair God gave you- free:)

:@ natural hair occurrences
-Peoples Mouths
Once you go natural everyone and their mom becomes a natural hair expert. It doesn't matter if they have a relaxer, rock the Sebastian two piece rainbow weave or have not seen their natural hair since birth. It doesn't matter if their hair is reminiscent of straw in texture and color or if their scalp is a breeding ground for small creatures. All of a sudden they know exactly what you should and should not do to your hair. Imma leave it at that.
-Texture Trouble
One comment that gets under my skin is when people tell me I have the perfect hair texture for dreads. Do not get me wrong. I think dreads are beautiful. I admire them in passing and have found myself more and more attracted to men rocking a head full of them. To me when someone says "You have the perfect texture for dreads", I hear " Your hair is so nappy its dreadful". It doesn't help that this comment always comes from those sporting a looser curl pattern. Its almost like they think all I can do is dread my hair since it is more coily than curly. Dreads are not the only option for those with coarser hair textures and that type of ignorance bothers me.

I am happy to announce that I have met all of my hair goals for the month and even some for next month. Introducing my puff

shes a baby right now but I will name her once she gets bigger. I discovered her while doing a wash and go that didn't turn out so cute. My hair had grown out of the tapered cut and could no longer look cute with a wash and go without being patted or manipulated. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to try a puff and this is what I got.
below are some pics of my hairs' progression during the month. All pictures were from May 31st-July1st


  1. congratulations on the puff!

    i get the dreads comment too... smh. i think they're beautiful, and i plan to rock some before i die. but that's not all i can rock... our hair is sooo versatile. i think the next time someone says that to us we should say "yeah it is! it's also the perfect texture for twist outs, braid outs, bantu knot outs, straw curls, roller sets, wash n goes, updos...." lol

  2. Thanks Domo. I might say that next time someone comments on my hair texture:)

  3. Try not to do the high bands yet. That affects your edges. . . GO wild go free. Put in some moisturizer twist with your fingers and go. . .

  4. yea I dont wear it pulled high as much. As my hair has gotten longer I have needed less tension in order to do it:)
